Maxxon had a little hiccup in his life when he was 3 weeks old. Actually, it was worse then a hiccup, it started with Maxxon just being really fussy, almost like he had a belly ache. I tried gas drops and nothing seemed to help our little guy out. Saturday night Maxxon would not sleep, he maybe slept for an hour while I was holding him. Thats when I started to think something was not right. By Sunday he would not eat or sleep and was still super fussy as you can imagine. By Sunday night I knew something was not right with him. We took his temperature and it was 100.7, which did not seem that high to me, but I jumped online to see how high a babies temp can be it said that infants under the age of 3 months should not have even a small temperature, and anything over 100.2 you should take them to the emergency room. So to the emergency room we went! They took us straight back and started poking and prodding our poor little baby. He had an IV in his head with all sorts of medicine running through it, they did a spinal tap, a chest x ray, he had to get a catheter and all sorts of stuff. It broke his mommy and daddy's hearts. Finally at 3 am we were admitted to the hospital where we stayed for 3 days. We found out that Maxxon had early stages of pneumonia and he had Viral Meningitis. We are so lucky that we went to the hospital when we did and they were able to take care of are sweet baby boy! We are extremely grateful for modern medicine, it probably saved Maxxon's life. The least we can do for those that kept us in their thoughts and prayers is say THANK YOU! We owe everyone more than words can express. We are very grateful for all the blessings we received during that stressful time.
4 days ago
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